Niomi Smart

Thank you for being our Miss September! How would you describe your style?
I would say my style is classic and chic with a few quirks here and there to add a bit of personality. Style should always reflect who you are so you feel most confident with what you are wearing.
Are you an impulse shopper or an investment buyer?
I'm definitely more of an impulse buyer! I love discovering items from a variety of different places when I'm out and about. When I see something I like, I try to imagine what I would pair it with and what the whole outfit would look like. Once I've done that, it has to come home with me!

If you could a spend a day in anyone's wardrobe - who would it be?
I love Sienna Miller's style. If I could play dress up in anyone's wardrobe it would have to be hers. Sienna is the epitome of boho chic, complete with frills, prints and floaty garments but with a bit of a tomboy edge.
Your YouTube career is really something special, could you tell us a little more about how you got to this point?
Thank you. I began this career shortly after graduating from university with a law degree. I felt I needed to focus on something more creative than what I had been doing the previous few years, and with a bit of a break during the summer, it seemed like a perfect time to start a blog to document my personal passions. After a few months, I started up my YouTube channel where I would post my recipes, beauty advice, personal style tips and everything in between. The rest is history!

What are the most rewarding and challenging parts of your career?
The most rewarding part of my career is the incredible community I have around me that watch my videos and constantly engage in my work. It's a surreal feeling being able to chat to people from all over the world at any one time that all share common interests. The most challenging part is the pressure to consistently upload every week along with everything else that comes with my job. I always feel like I've let my audience down if for whatever reason I have been unable to upload a video or a blog post. Consistency is key!
Saturday night: going out or staying in?
Going out! The weekends are my tim to catch up with friends and treat ourselves to a glass of wine with some good food around London. Having said that, I do love escaping to the country over the weekend every now and again to totally unwind and live in my pyjamas!

Top top for someone who wants to start eating healthily?
Focus on the amazing new foods you're going to start incorporating into your diet as opposed to what you're cutting out. A positive mindset is the secret to a healthy diet.
Best place to eat in London right now?
I've been loving the laid-back vibe at The Dayrooms Café. It's small so be prepared to queue for a table at the weekend, but the space has been beautifully decorated and the food is made from fresh and healthy ingredients with an abundance of colour. I love their acai bowls.

What's next for Niomi Smart?
I've got some exciting projects coming up next year that I can't wait to get my teeth stuck into.

Arizona – Cross My Mind
Maisie Peters – Place We Were Made
Dua Lipa – New Rules

Discover more from Niomi on her Instagram - @niomismart and her website: