Muse/Part 2: Rachel Johnston
How would you describe your style?
I always dress smart whether for work or not. I like to mix vintage pieces I've picked up and high street. Shoes are definitely where I start, then work my way up.
What's your secret to keeping cool and looking cool at work?
If you feel empowered by what you're wearing then it effects your whole day.
Wearing clothes that compliment your body shape, nothing too tight. Underwear that fits is also key!
The best piece of fashion advice you have received?

If you could choose a celebrity closet to shop in, who's would it be and why?
Kate bosworth. She always looks sleek and sophisticated.
I can't live without:
1. My housemates
2. Black boots - I have so many different pairs and live in them.
3. Dr Hauschka rose day cream - loves my skin and smells amazing
4. Coffee
5. Red wine
Its important for my wardrobe to make me feel… empowered and comfortable.
The best bit about my job is ….. Every day is different, and I'm always kept on my toes.
What should every women have in her wardrobe?
A classic white shirt.
I always wear…. My grandmothers rings, and my fathers watch.
I don’t leave the house without... My Oliver People's specs.