Jaime Winstone
We caught up with actor Jaime Winstone at home in Dalston to talk style, music and career highlights whilst she dressed up in the latest pieces from resort 19. Read on to learn more.

Describe your personal style In 3 words?
Brave, Dramatic.. Street
You can have access to anyone's wardrobe - dead or alive - for one hour. Who is it?
CHER ..the very thought of this makes me tingle
What is the best style tip you have been given, and ignored?
“its much tooo much”...I totally ignored it!

If you could sum up Preen Line as a brand in a sentence, what would that go like?
A Dreamy Romance with a stevie nicks twist.
What is your favourite London restaurant?
There is an irresistible bakery in china town.. but I love J Sheekey for dinner
Where in London do you call home?
Dalston is my ends.. but feel complete when I’m in Soho

Saturday night: going out or staying in?
I’m off to the opera.. le Boheme.. I’m a big fan of the royal opera house
What is your favourite thing to do in the summer?
London summer nights can be amazing and crazy.. so I usually love to retreat to Sicily and enjoy the festivities with my family

What is your go to playlist when working?
Depends on the job.. usually high energy..for Dead set it was Prodigy.. but right now its Miley Cyrus ‘nothing breaks like a heart’ ..our generations answer to Jolene
What would you say has been your career highlight?
I very much enjoyed working with the late great Bob Hoskins, he was a fantastic man and actor who taught me a lot .. also playing Barbara Windsor during her carry on days was A real honour and the fashion was fantastic!

What is your ultimate goal for 2019?
Read more whether it be books or scripts.. just to do it! And start kung fu with my son.—and be Major
And finally, what's next for Jaime Winstone?
I’m about to start shooting a Harrowing Tv drama. .. and continue to work with Save Wild Tigers in raising awareness and funds on the protection of these animals.

Discover more from @jaimewinstone on instagram
Photography by Eva K. Salvi - @evaksalvi
Styling by Masha Mombelli - @mashamombelli
Makeup by Cher Webb - @cherwebbmakeup
Don't forget to follow @preenline on Instagram